Get Your Questions Answered


Updates and information will often be posted on the class homepage in D2L. Please log into the course to check for announcements on a regular basis throughout the semester. 

Have a question about course structure?

If you have questions about how the course is running (ex: due dates, location of work, expectations, etc…), please post in the General Course Structure Questions topic in the Course Content discussion forum first. This discussion topic is located in the Begin Here! module in D2L. If you have a question, it’s likely others do too, and others may be able to answer your questions before I can respond. 

Have a question about the content?

If you have questions about the problem set content, please post in the Unit topic in the Course Content discussion forum first. Each unit’s topic is located in the Unit’s module in D2L. Work collaboratively with your classmates. If you feel your question is not answered sufficiently there, please contact me via email or D2L.

Have a question about technology?

if you are having issues with D2L, please contact MSU Tech Support.

Need to contact Dr. Henley?

You can contact me via the private discussion forum in our D2L class or by email. 

If you choose to email, please put “NEU 300” in your subject line. This is to avoid your email getting lost in the vast sea of messages in my inbox 🙂

Response time

I will do my best to answer questions within the following time frames:

  • For Emergency topics: as soon as possible
  • For Content, Grading, and General topics: within 48 hours