Work Plan


(too long; didn’t read)

  • Completing problem sets and synthesis questions is needed to be successful on exams
  • It is expected that students will complete all assignments including reflections
  • You should work approximately 9 hours per week
  • Suggested workplans are outlined below


The only graded assignments in the course are the exams and the end of semester reflection. However, there is scheduled assigned work throughout the semester. This work, which includes textbook reading and quizzes, application questions, synthesis questions, and reflections, have all be designed to scaffold learning and prepare students for the exam assignments.

To be successful on the graded assignments, completion of this work is necessary. Strive to submit assignments on time to ensure you don’t get behind. That can be an overwhelming feeling and may prevent you from achieving what you are capable of.

Likewise, it is also expected that everyone will participate in the exam discussions. Collaboration is important in any professional setting.

Due Dates

Unless otherwise noted, all assignments are due at 11:59 pm Eastern Time on the due date.

Application Questions and Synthesis Questions

Due dates are guidance only. It is highly recommended that students complete these assignments because the exams will be based on the content. Additionally, submission of these assignments is required for the exams to open.


It is expected students will meet deadlines for exams and and learning reflections. Exam revisions are optional.

Introduction Assignments

Due dates are guidance only, but students will be required to complete and submit these assignments to open the exams in D2L. The exams are based on the content in the weekly assignments. 

End of Semester Assignment

It is expected students will meet the deadline for the end of semester assignment.

Weekly Workload

Suggested work plan; details in text.As a 3-credit, 15-week course, you should plan to spend about 9 hours each week on course material. This should look like

  • 2 hours to complete the prep material (reading, textbook questions)
  • 2.5 hours to complete the Application Questions
  • 1 hour to review and correct Application Question answers
  • 2.5 hours to complete the Synthesis Questions.
  • 1 hour to review and correct Synthesis Question answers

The assignments in this class are sometimes complex, requiring students to analyze data or find information outside of the text. Despite this, you should not spend significantly more time than outlined above on the assignment. If you get stuck, give it your best shot.

Suggested work schedule

Each unit will open on Sunday. We will work on the Application Questions in class on Tuesday. We will work on the Synthesis Questions in class on Thursday. 

  • Sunday through Tuesday: Complete textbook reading and textbook quizzes; complete application questions using class time for collaboration and questions
  • Wednesday and Thursday: Watch application question answer videos to correct your work; complete synthesis questions using class time for collaboration and questions 
  • Friday and Saturday: Watch synthesis question answer video to correct your work
  • Every day: Use help forum located in the Course Content discussion forum; Review pre-exam reflection